- The Nothing Factory (Pedro Pinho, Portugal, 2017)
- Good Time (Ben Safdie y Josh Safdie, USA, 2017)
- On the Beach at Night Alone (Hong Sang-Soo, South Korea, 2017)
- Braguino (Clement Cogitore, France, 2017)
- Western (Valeska Grisebach, Germany, 2017)
- Baronesa (Juliana Antunes, Brasil, 2017)
- Zama (Lucrecia Martel, Argentina. 2017)
- El Mar La Mar (J.P. Sniadecki; Joshua Bennett, USA, 2017)
- Rey (Niles Atallah, Chile, 2017)
- Sleep Has Her House (Scott Barley, UK, 2017)
A special mention for: Twin Peaks: The Return (David Lynch, U.S.A., 2017), heavily voted, so to avoid the discussion “T.V. vs. series” we have included it here, since we recognize its cinematic value (especially episode n° 8!)

- Fajr (Lois Patiño, 2017)
- Scaffold (Kazik Radwanski , Canada, 2017)
- Caniba (Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Verena Paravel, 2017)
- Fugue, a Light’s Travelogue (Els Van Riel, 2017)
- Good Luck, Ben Russell, 2017
- Light Lick Amen (Saul Levine, 2017)
- On Generation and Corruption (Takashi Makino, 2017)
- Potamkin (Stephen Broomer, 2017)
- Ulysses in the Subway (Marc Downie, Paul Kaiser, Flo & Ken Jacobs, 2017)
- Wasteland N°1: Ardent, Verdant (Jodie Mack, 2017)
A special mention for Dawson City: Frozen Time (Bill Morrison, 2016) that was premiered last year but was heavily voted for this one.