By Desistfilm
Days five and six and the festival is near its ending. Among some amazing retrospectives and restored versions of old masterpieces, here are some reviews of the films we’ve seen these days
By Desistfilm
Days five and six and the festival is near its ending. Among some amazing retrospectives and restored versions of old masterpieces, here are some reviews of the films we’ve seen these days
by Desistfilm
Days two and three in Buenos Aires were pretty intense. We’re still a little hangover from watching so many films, but here are the reviews for days three and four.
Por José Sarmiento Hinojosa
Pocos directores independientes estadounidenses han captado la intrínseca morosidad del matrimonio moderno y el desapego emocional de las nuevas generaciones como lo ha hecho Alex Ross Perry con la magnífica Golden Exits.
Director: Mónica Delgado Ch.
ISSN 2311-7451
© Desistfilm 2024
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